A horse and a blue tarp

Horses and tarps don't mix.  Skittish horses and blue tarps blowing in the wind really don't mix.  But if the horse trusts her leader and the leader keeps her busy and works slowly towards it, the scary horse eating tarp can be conquered.  You can't imagine how amazing this was for us, especially for my husband and his sweet but fearful horse.  We have been taking baby steps in our horse training but yesterday was a big leap for them.  Good job, Honey!  And good job, D!

 Back and forth...
Back and forth...
and finally standing still on it!


  1. Good job!Horses can be so fearful. Hubby was pulling up drip irrigation and my daughter's horse saw it, thought it was a snake and went crazy! She calmed him down after a few rodeo worthy moves and made him get close to the hoses so he'd see they wouldn't hurt him. It takes work, but a bomb-proof horse is so worth it.

  2. All 4 horses walked on the tarp this afternoon, some better than others but still, they all did it! Yeah!

  3. That's really cool. I am really enjoying reading about your training with the horses. I am in a similar situation, trying to put A LOT of groundwork in with my young mare. Unlike you however, mine is not scared of normal things and instead "talks herself into" being scared. My trainer won't let me face the things she's trying to look at too hard. I have to keep her going forward and support her with close contact. I had no idea that there was SO much to a horse's mind! :)

  4. that is so good! i need to do that with my paint. pics are so cute...love paint pics! jill

  5. That’s so exciting Kim.The horse is a beauty and it seems you have a great trainer husband. Kudos to the horse :)


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