Remembering & Hoping

To me that is what Mother's Day is about
~ Remembering the special "mom moments" of days gone by with my boys
~ Hoping for them to be godly young men to influence the world around them in the future. 

I love the little gifts and notes but the real reason I like Mother's Day is the reminder that I am blessed by being a mom.

Thank you boys for my pink watering can.  I love it!


  1. they're lucky to have you too. :)

  2. Love your new Pink watering can....those boys did good!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. I love the pink watering can! Happy Mother's day! :)

  4. They picked out a darling gift for you. Love it.
    Have a great day.
    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  5. nice watering can!!

    yes, we are truly blessed to be mamas!!

    did you get my email about aprons? i'm hunting some cute/reasonably priced ones...any ideas?

  6. Cool watering can. Happy Mother's Day!

  7. A pink watering can would be the perfect gift for any mom. Love it and it's pink simplicity.

  8. Those memories are all so precious! Well, I guess there are some vexing memories, too - but they make the good times all that better.
    I love your watering can - a perfect gift.

  9. My mom and mom-in-law both got colorful watering cans with flowers planted in them! (Not my idea, but why didn't I think of that?)

    Enjoying your blog and dreaming of becoming disciplined enough to write on mine every day. Hasn't happened yet.

    Thanks for sharing.


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