Adding to the Flock

Last month during my blogging break, we gathered up new Jacob Sheep to add to our flock.  Traveling from their previous homes in Georgia, West Virginia, and Oregon, they met up with us in Colorado before they officially became Okies. 

They are settled in now and feeling at home.  They are even taking treats (animal crackers) from our hands.

Haagen Dazs (Dazs for short) just glows in the sun.  He's still young but he will be a promising herd sire.

Look at Rambler's w-i-d-e horns and long fleece.

Flora is just a striking girl.  She will be bred to Rambler next month for spring lambs.

Petals (in front) is a little thing and we just love her!  She stays close to Flora most of the time.

We are so glad to have these new sheep on the farm. They will all add different bloodlines while each will add special but diverse qualities to our flock.

 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me~
John 10:27
Do you hear his voice?
Does He know you?
Do you follow Him?