Moon Over the Coop

Last night the moon was just gorgeous ~
full & bright.
It looked pretty out over the coop.

This morning the chickens are enjoying the break in cold weather.

"Yes, Groucho.  I'll take a picture of you too." 

Silly pig!

Over the weekend, our youngest made some new ramps for the chicken house.  He did a really good job!  We feel it's so important for boys to take on tasks that they can handle as they grow into young men.  

The hens love the renovation.  They would like to see a spring cleaning too but it's still winter.

The chicks are growing like crazy and even have tiny wing and tail feathers.  They will move to the shed soon to transition into adults.  More eggs are in the incubator getting ready to enter the world. 

We are hatching eggs now so that we can re-home our oldest laying hens and replace them with younger girls. I find this helps keep our chicken feed/egg production numbers in balance since chickens lay more eggs in their first year.  Come spring, we will be ready for the swap.

Just in case you didn't know, our coop plans are available for free download.  We've sent out hundreds of plans over the last few years via Backyard Chickens.  Those that have built it have blessed us with pictures of their coops.  So fun to see!

Seems that we are not the only ones that moon over the coop. ;)

He who works his land will have abundant food, 
but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement.
Proverbs 12:11


  1. Hurray! Comments are back!

    LOVE the moon shot, and the way it blends into your blog's black background. Very nice coop, too, although I don't think I'd be able to get my man to build a new one.

  2. Nice picture!! Our coops need work too, but am saving that for some warm days. I got some sheet insulation to add to them to make them a little warmer.....

  3. Pretty shot over the coop. I'm also a fan of your coop - nice job! I've missed my bloggy visits here for awhile. Trying to catch up :) Have a great week! -Tammy

  4. That coop is *gorgeous*. Do the hens realize they're living in 5* accommodation?!

  5. The shot of the moon is great. I love your coop. I just went to see your plans and pictures.

  6. Your coop is as pretty as a human house. :)


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