Angus, Brisket, & Chuck

We now have 3 bottle calves.
They are so cute!  We are raising a few bottle babies to see if they will be easier to handle when they get bigger and halter training has commenced.  It has been a challenge so far to keep them healthy though.  Bottle calves have to watched very closely.

Angus was the first one we got and the favorite so far.  He's pure Black Angus and came from some friends ranch. And he loves scratches under the chin!

The other two have some dairy in them and they are just settling in.  I need to figure out how to get their ear tags out!

This one is Brisket
and the other Chuck.
Yes, beef names.  
It reminds us not to get too attached.

We're excited to raise them from babies.

O Lord Almighty,
blessed is the man who trusts in you.
Psalm 84:12


  1. Cute calves!

    (You can cut the ear tags out with sharp scissors. Just cut the part that goes through the ear, by sliding the scissors under the back half of the tag on the back of the ear. They make a tool specifically for this, but scissors work well too!)

    1. Thanks Katie! I was thinking the sheep hoof trimmers might work but scissors will probably be easier.

  2. My grandfather improved his herd by getting a few calves to raise each spring. He didn't bottle feed, though, he had one Jersey and one Holstein that he turned the calves on, in turn. The calves got lots of human handling. I wonder if it was easier to keep them healthy that way.

  3. More babies to do you keep up with your life?
    They are so cute!

    1. Good question. Sometimes we don't. The lambs are off the bottle now though so that helps. ;)

  4. I always named my calves red, yellow, or black. Didn't want to get too attached to supper.

  5. Yet they will lead happy, healthy lives.

  6. You are so lucky to have these beautiful creatures. I bottle fed my son's dog and had so much fun doing it.


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