Celebrating with Cowboy Cupcakes

What a week!  Life has been busy around the Little Red Farmhouse!

Yesterday our boys delivered the last of their steers the butcher.  They bought and raised 10 black angus and have now sold all the beef.  They were happy to bring their 12 months of hard work to a close.

Then we had a special family celebration
not only for Mother's Day
but also Graduation.

Both sides of our family at one long table outside

Our oldest son's 12 year homeschooling education is now complete.  We had non-traditional graduation starting with the fact there was no cap and gown.  When we talked about graduation plans, I was surprised that Jake wanted it that way but he reminded me that none of his schooling has been conventional. 

It ended up being perfect ~
a family barbeque with a western theme
in keeping with the plans he has for his future.

The graduation boy with his great grandmother
The kids rode horses and fed the sheep animal crackers.

And then we ended it all with Cowboy Cupcakes.
Two sweet teenage sisters, Daisy Cakes, made the cutest desserts ever!

Horses Cupcakes &
Black Angus Cattle Cupcakes
with hay bales

Cactus cupcakes in real clay pots

 and even
pasture poo cupcakes
complete with flies!

Some cowboy hat cupcakes for the cowboy himself
rounded up the dessert.

It was a sweet ending for
12 months
& 12 years.

And we even had time to squeeze in a family photo on the front porch.



  1. Great looking family, and i really like the desserts. Well, maybe not the cow pie ones. I just finished cleaning the paddock.

  2. that's awesome, kim. congrats to your young man! (and his brothers, too, for their beef raising!)

  3. Awesome! Congratulations all around! What a fun party idea. What does your son plan to do next?

  4. great family pic...congrats to your son and best of luck to his future

  5. Amy,
    Jake has been shadowing at a large black angus ranch assisting with embryo transfer work. He is very interested in artificial insemenation for large animals specifically cattle. He will be attending a local agriculture college near us on scholarship to work toward a degree in animal reproduction. It could be a good match for him being a little science and a little cowboy. ;) No matter what path he chooses, we want him to do something that he enjoys.

  6. Such a fun post! Love those adorable cupcakes!! Your family pic is darling ;)

  7. Oh Kim, this is a wonderful post. Your boys have done so well - what a wonderful 'project' for them to have been involved in, and now to see the fruit of their labours :) Well done, Guys!

    And the cakes.....! They are fabulous. My girls are just pouring over them just now, wanting to copy them!

    Lovely family get-together... what a blessing family is, isn't it :))
    A x

  8. Looks like a nice time all around, and the cupcakes are so cute!

  9. I love this post! We graduated our oldest last May and he said the same about his graduation - no fuss, no cap and gown, no party - just celebrate with the family.

    Love your family pic too:)

  10. What a wonderful way to celebrate. I LOVED the cupcakes. They were almost too cute to eat! I'm glad you got pictures!
    Congrats on all of the accomplishments!

  11. Congratulations to your graduate and all those who helped him on his way. What a lovely party :)


  12. Oh how happy a graduation is! My first college one wasn't even a tear event for me...not much anyway!! Your celebration looks wonderful. How much younger is the next one?

  13. Those cup cakes are really something, i only wish i were invited! Richard

  14. I crown you the "Cupcake Queen"! Love the happy family portrait.

  15. What a beautiful family you have!! Love those cupcake, especially the cactus ones!!
    Karen & te Hounds


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