An Old Red Ford

Our trip to Texas also included visiting with family we haven't seen in a long time.  Uncle Mac with a twinkle in his eye & Aunt Jeanette with her sweet hugs are two of my favorite relatives. 

We weren't there very long before Mac wisked our three boys away to see his barn.  We joined them there when they didn't return.  Then I discovered why they were delayed.

Uncle Mac had a boy's wonderland of a barn!
Woodworking tools, old trucks, and an antique coke machine.

The 1947 red Ford pickup truck was beautifully restored by Mac.  As a boy, he loved watching those trucks drive by but didn't even have a car of his own until after college. 

Mac has his '47 now!

All the boys really liked the truck.

But Jonah fell in love with the 1970's white Ford that was being stored there.
Every time we turned around, he was sitting in that truck!

Aunt Nette showed Jared how to whistle with his hands.

He had lots of fun trying!

J3's favorite thing was the antique Coca-Cola machine that was still chilling and serving out our favorite drink ~ in glass bottles, of course.

It was definitely a cool barn
and a fun family day!

He has shown you, O man, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8